STORIES for CHILDREN by Sister Farida


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Plays for children to perform

13. Gifts for Jesus

Thomas watched his grandfather carve crib figurines. They looked so real – the shepherds, Joseph and Mary and baby Jesus. He grew tired as time went on and he fell asleep.

He dreamed about the stable in Bethlehem. Oh, Thomas thought, I can get really close to the manger.

He got closer and suddenly grew sad. Then Jesus spoke to him.

Jesus: "Why are you so sad?"

Thomas: "Because I didn’t bring you any gifts."

Jesus: "Don’t be sad. I only want three things from you."

Thomas: "I’ll give you everything that I have. My electric train, my computer games, and…"

Jesus: "No, that’s not what I want from you; it’s not why I came from heaven to the earth."

Thomas: "Then what?"

Jesus: "Give me your last math test."

Thomas: "But I got a “D” on it."

Jesus: "For that very reason I want it. Always bring Me everything in your life that’s insufficient. Will you do that?"

Thomas: "Yes, I will."

Jesus: "The second gift I want is your cereal bowl."

Thomas: "I can’t give you that because I broke it."

Jesus: "For that very reason I want it. Always bring Me everything in your life that’s broken. Will you do that?"

Thomas: "Yes, I will."

Jesus: "Now for my third wish. Thomas, I want the answer that you gave your mother when she asked you how your cereal bowl got broken."

Then Thomas started to cry and was heartbroken.

Thomas: "I… I lied to her."

Jesus: "Thomas, your lies, your defiance, every wicked thing in your life you can bring to Me – your whole life long. I forgive you and will help you to live in the right way. I will always be with you and will show you the way of life. Do you want this?"

And how Thomas wanted this! From then on he believed in Jesus and listened to Him.

People: Narrator, Thomas, Jesus’ voice

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