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135. The ticket 3
(sound of traffic noises)
Boy: "School of life part 2: the ticket."
(sound of victory trumpets)
The victory was celebrated. Not weapons but God made the walls of the city crash down when they blew their horns.
With God on their side, the Israelites would soon conquer the whole land. The winners celebrated. But one man secretly snuck into his tent. Just like a traffic violator, he deliberately went against God’s do-not-steal sign.
God said: "Don’t be afraid. The city is yours. But follow My command: No one is to take anything for himself from the booty."
God always means what He says when He commands something. But Achan didn’t take Him seriously.
Achan: "What do I see under the rubble of Jericho? A wonderful Babylonian coat! Gold and silver! I can’t just leave it there. No one will see me take it."
No radar control picked up on his actions, but God’s 'video camera' saw it all. God’s eyes followed Achan even into his tent where he buried the treasure.
And then the next city was to be conquered. Spies brought back good news.
Spy: "Joshua, Ai is a small city. 3000 soldiers can take it easily."
But they came back defeated. And 36 men died during their flight away from the city. Joshua cried out to God.
Joshua: "Oh Lord, why did this happen? Why didn’t You help us?"
God answered his question.
God: "You are at fault. Someone stole. Make it right and then I will help you."
Then everything was revealed. Achan admitted that he had stolen.
One man sinned and the others had to suffer. This happens, just like when someone drives through a red light and hits someone and kills them.
Traffic offenders have to pay. But we can’t pay God with money. The righteous God demands the death penalty from those who disobey His commands.
Achan died by stoning in the Valley of Trouble.
Now listen well! The righteous God is a God of love as well. The punishment that you and I have earned was paid by Jesus when He died on the cross. If you believe in Jesus, who died for you and rose again, then God will tear up your 'ticket'.
People: Narrator, boy, God’s voice, Achan, spy, Joshua
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