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DRAMAS -- perform them for other children!
Plays for children to perform
120. The misfit 4Lukas was shocked. His best carving lay broken on the ground. Now he could never win a prize. Lukas, the outsider, wanted to prove to the others that he was good at something. But now his artwork was destroyed. Lukas suspected Annette. But he couldn‘t prove it. Now he climbed more often in the mountains of his Swiss home. He often sat alone on a tree stump and carved something. Man: "You’re a good carver, my boy." Startled, Lukas looked around. This must be the old man who lived alone in his hut. In the town, everyone talked secretly about him. But the man’s friendly eyes caused Lukas to trust him. Man: "Come with me and I’ll show you my carvings." (sound of a door creaking) Lukas: "Super! You made all these figurines?" Man: "Someday you’ll also carve as well as this. Perhaps for a friend." Lukas: "I don’t have any friends." Man: "Then you’re quite curious. Do you want to tell me about your problem?" Lukas: "Danny is a cripple. Everyone thinks that I pushed him down the ravine. Everyone hates me. Annette hates me the most. And I hate her." Man: "We all do wrong things in our life, even I. I had a huge debt because of alcohol and gambling. I was caught while trying to rob a bank. I was at my wit’s end." Lukas: "And very lonely?" Man: "I still am lonely. But when I got out of jail, I started a new life with Jesus." Lukas: "Do you have relatives?" Man: "My wife isn’t alive anymore. And my two sons think that I’m dead, too. One is a business man and the other a famous surgeon. He’s helped many people to be able to walk again. Right now he’s staying in the hotel in town." Lukas‘ thoughts tumbled in his head. Can you imagine what plan formed in his mind? The old man placed his hand lovingly on the boy’s shoulder. Man: "Lukas, you trusted me with your problem. Won’t you also talk with the Lord Jesus about your hate and ask Him to put everything right?" Lukas wasn’t ashamed when tears ran down his face. He asked the Lord Jesus for forgiveness. His heart was cleansed from all sin. It’s that easy. Not only for Lukas, but also for you. And Annette? You’ll hear more about her in the next drama. People: Narrator, Lukas, man © Copyright: CEF Germany |