STORIES for CHILDREN by Sister Farida


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DRAMAS -- perform them for other children!
Plays for children to perform

33. Farewell on the mountain

Boy: "Hurrah! We don’t have school on Thursday because it’s a holiday."

Girl: "Which holiday is it?"

Boy: "Ascension Day."

Girl: "What does that even mean?"

Boy: "Well, I’m not exactly sure."

Should I explain it to you?

Boy: "Yes, we’d really like to know."

Ascension Day reminds us that Jesus went back to heaven after He fulfilled His task here on earth. It happened exactly forty days after Easter. During these forty days, Jesus appeared to His disciples again and again. They saw Him, heard Him, ate with Him. On one day He appeared to more than 500 people at one time.

And forty days after Easter He led His disciples up to the Mount of Olives. He wanted to be alone with them and tell them something important before He went away.

Jesus: "I have fulfilled God’s task. Now go to every person in the whole world and tell them that I died for them and was resurrected. Tell them so that they’ll ask Me to be their Lord and then be with Me in heaven one day. And remember, I will always be with you and will give you the strength to tell others about Me."

Then Jesus lifted up His hands and blessed the disciples. And as He did that, He suddenly disappeared and a cloud hid Him from their sight as He went to God’s invisible world.

Boy: "And what is Jesus doing in heaven now?"

He rules over everything, He answers our prayers and prays to God for us.

And for the ones who believe in Him He is preparing a place for them to live there.

Girl: "I read that in the Bible. Here it is. Jesus said: My Father’s house has many rooms; … I am going there to prepare a place for you."

Boy: "Weren’t the disciples sad that Jesus wasn’t with them anymore?"

Not at all. That had to do with a promise that He had made.

Boy: "Which promise?"

I’ll let you in on which promise in the next drama.

People: Narrator, boy, girl, Jesus

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